certificate programs
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This Certificate in Biblical Studies is a comprehensive study of both the Old and New Testaments. It is designed for individuals who want to expand their understanding of the Bible through critical study. The curriculum emphasizes the study of the Bible and the history of Israel. This certificate is ideal for anyone desiring to have a deeper understanding of Scripture and to be better prepared to teach others. Eight courses are required to complete the Certificate in Biblical Studies:
BIBL 101 Introduction to the Bible
BIBLOT-150 Genesis I
BIBLOT-151 Genesis II
BLNT-104 The Book of John
BIBLNT-165 The Book of Acts
BIBL NT 204 The Book of Revelation I
BIBL NT 205 The Book of Revelation II
BIBL NT 206 The Three-Fold Offices of Christ
BIBL NT 207 The Parabolic Doctrines of Christ
BIBL NT 208 A Study of End-Times
The fee for each certificate course in Biblical Studies is dependent upon the course length and subject area; and therefore, ranges from $200 and above.
BIBLNT-204 The Book of Revelation I​
This course is a two-part course which offers a verse-by-verse historical, doctrinal and eschatological study of Revelation. It is designed to guide the student in a study of the final days. Special emphasis will be placed on the genre issue, the different hermeneutical approaches to the book, crucial interpretive issues, the book’s literary structure and artistry, and its distinctively high Christology. We will also discuss the important question of teaching and applying the book in our present-day, apocalyptically fearful/sensitive setting. This is a four-credit course requiring approximately 4 hours of study per week.
BIBLNT-205 The Book of Revelation II
This course is a continuation of Revelation I and includes the Book of Daniel. It is an expository study of two major apocalyptic books of the Bible-Revelation and Daniel. The course emphasizes the relationship of these two prophetic books. This is a four-credit course requiring approximately four hours study per week.
PROP-101 Prophets 101
This course is designed for beginning-level prophetic training. It consists of four teachings (lessons) and group exercises (activations) that have been carefully selected to allow students to practice basic prophetic skills and "learn by doing."
APOS-101 Apostles 101
This course is designed to teach students the apostolic, its origin, historical emergence, administrations, attributes and other key factors that define what it is to be an apostle.
MIN-101 Understanding the Five-Fold Ministry
This course is designed to teach and train students about the five-fold ministry as a ministry that represents the hand of God operating within the church that performs the work that He desires. It is a ministry that consists of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
MIN-102 Spiritual Warfare
This course has been designed as a basic training course to equip students for effective spiritual warfare. In this course, students learn about the Invisible War of the Believer, Basic Training Techniques, and Offensive and Defensive Strategies in the Battle.
BIBLNT 206 The Book of Daniel
This course is a literary, interpretive, and theological study of the book of Daniel with special focus on the apocalyptic genre, the socio-historical milieu of the apocalyptic movement, the employment of different reading strategies, and guidelines for interpretation. Using specific examples, the ultimate goal is to provide tools and directives for appropriating the message of Daniel to our human and ecclesiastical context.
KING 101 The Kingdom 101
This course is a study of Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom message and ministry as presented in the Gospel of Matthew. The historical account of Jesus’ ministry defines the pattern and call for us as His disciples to powerfully present and demonstrate the same message and ministry today. Lessons include: What is the Kingdom of God? Where is the Kingdom? How do we as Christians operate in it?
MIN 103 Dreams and Visions
This course is designed to assist the student in understanding prophetic dreams and visions. It offers a powerful source of inspiration and is filled with prophetic insight. In this course, students learn how God speaks through dreams and visions, how to interpret your dreams and visions, and offers a Symbols Dictionary for interpreting and unmasking the symbols contained in a dream or vision. This course provides foundational interpretive tools that students can use for years to come.
COMP 101 Basic Computing Skills
In this course, students will learn basic computer skills to assist in their navigation through classroom coursework and online instruction. This course covers computer concepts and internet skills,
Microsoft Word processing and PowerPoint Software. Recommended prerequisite- keyboarding skills.
HOM 101 Essential Bible Study Principles​
The purpose of Essential Bible Study Principles is to equip students with the Bible study skills they will need to correctly handle the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15) and to succeed in the study tasks and assignments in other theological courses. In this course, the student will be introduced to the various methods and tools necessary for a comprehensive study of Scripture. Emphasis is placed on developing a structured approach to examining, understanding, and applying the Scriptures. This is a six-credit course requiring approximately three hours study; plus three hours computer work per week for four weeks.
HOM 102 Homiletics
This course deals comprehensively with the art/discipline of preaching. This course is designed to teach learners how to compose and effectively deliver sermons. In addition to homiletics, the program is designed to cover hermeneutics, systematic theology, evangelistic preaching principles, and different preaching styles. While learning to interpret the Bible, participants of this program will study the theological foundations of biblical preaching. They will also learn to assess the sermons of evangelic preachers as a method of strengthening their own competencies.
TFW NT 101 The Three-Fold Work of Christ
This course is an introduction to the three-fold work (offices) of Christ, i.e., Prophet, Priest and King.
The Certificate in Preaching and Teaching is designed for individuals who wish to enhance preaching and teaching skills and become more equipped to correctly handle the Word of God. The curriculum emphasizes developing a structured approach to examining, understanding, and applying the Scriptures. Students will study the theological foundations of biblical preaching, how to compose and effectively deliver sermons, how to interpret the Bible, students will learn to use the standard
tools of biblical research to prepare sermons and learn how to defend the Christian faith. Students will gain hands on experiences by participating in Chapel Services which includes sermon preparation and preaching and teaching. Four courses and Chapel Service are required to complete the Certificate in Preaching and Teaching:
Total Cost of Certificate in Biblical Studies is dependent upon course levels.
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